Category: Getting Started

What is web hosting?

Web Hosting is the service which enables you to get your website on a server computer which makes it online and available to everyone who requests with your Domain name with a internet connections at their computer browser. Web Hosting …

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How to create an Email account at cPanel?

Almost all of our web hosting packages includes cPanel based default email system, which includes three user interfaces namely Roundcube, Horde and SquirrelMail. When you sign up for Net Craft India hosting services you will get cPanel details to administer …

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Getting started with NetCraftIndia web hosting account

Welcome to NetCraftIndia!! Thanks & Congrats for signing up with shared hosting account. It is really easy to start with our web hosting services, the first step is to determine what you really need to do. If it is already …

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Getting help from NetCraftIndia support

Thanks for buying web hosting or registering a domain name at NetCraftIndia. You are reading this because most probably you are esteemed client at our company. This article will let you know to get support from world class support staffs …

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FTP settings & help!

This section will be dedicated to help you with FTP (File Transfer Protocol) . FTP is used to transfer or exchange of program, data,  and files across a network. All of our web hosting packages comes with FTP account and …

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